Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Crowd Source: Geometry Review

If you have questions, post them here in the comment section.  Please leave your first name (hour and last initial are optional).  If you have an answer to any question posted, post it as a comment as well, and address it to the question asker.  Comments are open for Anonymous Posting.  Do.  Not.  Abuse.  This.

Participation in this online activity will earn you between 2 and 4 Brownie Points which will be awarded on Friday.

Also the BA test has been pushed back to Friday.  If you are looking for the Chapter 2 Review Guide, you should head over to Skyward, and look for it as an attached file to the assignment.  If you need your Skyward Password they are available before school in the media center.


  1. what is a junction and disconjunction? i forgot and cant find my notes on it lol.

    Steven H. 1st hour.

  2. Conjuction: A statement using And
    Disjunction: A statement using Or

    For example the Conjunction of "It's raining" and "It's sunny" is the statment "It's raining and it's sunny." Remember that a conjuction is true only when both statements are true, a Disjunction is false only when both are false.

  3. How is the Transitive Property of Equality different from the Law of Syllogism?

  4. Sorry, it was family movie night, followed by Project Runway.... ~my bad~.

    Okay, the difference between Transitive Property of Equality (and it's cousin the Trans. Prop of Congruence) and the Law of Syllogism has to do what they're relating.

    The Law of Syllogism is creating a logical chain of ideas and saying that it is valid to link conditional statments together. P leads Q leads to R leads to S leads to T, so let's just cut to the chase and say that P leads to T and be done. It is the foundation of what we do in a proof: We start at some "Given" and we argue towards the end, with the real final conclusion being "Our Given will lead to our To Prove."

    Transivity, on the other hand, relates strictly to values all being the same thing. A is B, B is C, so what the heck, A is C.

    In the end the two concepts are confusing ~because~ they are similar, almost to the point of interchangability. You can call Syllogism "transitive for logic". Here's the thing:

    You will never use the Law of Detachment, or the Law of Sylogism in a proof.


    Don't do it.

    You think there are consequences for a teacher not assigning homework? Wait till you try to use the Law of Sylogism in a proof. ;)
